Application form

For assistance with this application, email or call us at 809-633-2020

A problem was detected in the following Form. Submitting it could result in errors. Please contact the site administrator.

(please supply a copy of the child's birth certificate)

(please supply a copy of the child's birth certificate)

(please supply a copy of the child's birth certificate)

Please note that this application must be made by an adult who has parental responsibility for the child. It is not the responsibility of the school admissions team to determine parental responsibility. Where parental responsibility is equally shared, the Admissions Team will ask the child’s parents to determine which parent should submit the application. If parents cannot agree and neither has obtained a court order stating who should be making the application, the school will accept an application from the parent in receipt of child benefit for the named child. Where parental responsibility is held by someone other than the child’s mother or father, it will be necessary to submit evidence of this in support of the application. An acceptable form of evidence for this purpose would be a copy of any legal document awarding parental responsibility to the adult making the application.

Who We Are
Cathedral Community School is a private school that implements a curriculum supported by the CPALMS (State of Florida, USA) common core standards …

(©) Copyright 2021 Cathedral Community School 
